Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Green Machine

So I attended a roundtable style training session yesterday on the "green" movement and how it relates to me as a real estate agent. There was tons of great information presented by representatives of several different organizations that dealt with solar power, rainwater collection, biofuels and more.

One company, Appalachian Energy, was there more to promote their product than anything else, but they impressed me nonetheless. They sell a solar thermal system that supplements the water and air heating in your home. This helps reduce your energy bills by quite a bit, and it's nowhere near as expensive to purchase and install as you might think. The system for a modest-sized home is right around $7,300 but then you get tax credits (in NC - $1,400 state & $2,000 federal) which makes the net cost around $3,900 when you factor that into it. It will also help increase the value of your home as well since lots of home-buyers out there are looking for energy-efficient homes! Anyway, the company's website is if you're interested in looking into it further...

-Real Estate... Compliments of Dan

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